The writer’s life is a challenging one. Stories to which one has devoted days, months, even years are eventually put out into the world in the hopes that they bring enjoyment to the reader. It is hard to know how well it will be received.

A tremendous amount of work is involved to bring the story to the reader. In the case of self-published work, the writer must take on a lot of extra work. With a traditional publishing arrangement, that work might be handled by others.

As I have mentioned, I have several plans for additional work in the Through the Mist series. I also have ideas for novels unrelated to that series. Unfortunately, I find it hard to work on those pieces. Producing weekly blogs for 52 Things, selling stuff on eBay, and managing the website and Facebook occupy a great deal of time. These tasks engage “business brain,” which isn’t as creative as “writer’s brain.”

I want to release at least two pieces of work this year. It won’t happen at my present pace. So, it is time to make some changes.

Going forward, I will post to this particular blog, Random Thoughts, on a quarterly basis. I plan to make other changes too.

If you don’t follow me on Facebook, you should. Lately, I have offered some freebies. I still intend to post regularly there, so you don’t want to miss any updates.

Stay tuned. More news to come!
