If you follow my Facebook page, you know I am hard at work on the fifth installment in the Through the Mist series. I am in what I call the “Beta Reader” phase right now, where I make adjustments based on feedback from early readers and correct grammar, spelling, and other mistakes.

At some point with every book, I become so obsessed with the story that it dominates my thoughts. Here is an example. As I drifted off to sleep last night, I said to myself, “No, the color of that dress is all wrong.” What??? Seriously???

Just this morning, I was online reading about the fuel the average Scottish person would have used for their fires in the 1800s. (Peat and wood, by the way) That led me down another rabbit hole. What does a peat fire smell like, since we typically don’t have peat fires here in the States? I already knew how peat was gathered, thanks to watching too many documentaries, reading too many articles, and actually paying attention when I saw someone gathering and drying peat on the Isle of Mull in Scotland. Too bad I cannot put “exhaustive knowledge of peat” on my resume. I doubt it comes up much in the workplace, unless maybe I am a peat harvester.

Why do I bother? It is in my DNA. I cannot help it! I must be accurate when I discuss certain elements in the book. While it is a work of fiction, it is not a work of pure fantasy. It goes against every fiber of my being to just make up little details that you probably breeze right by. Do you really care what fuel was used for the fire? No! You are more concerned with what Benjamin and Tilly are doing in front of the fire!

The next phase will be what I call the “Ah, Screw It; I Am Done” phase. I can feel myself inching closer and closer, because, frankly, I am tired of reading about peat. Until then, please hang in there with me. I am really excited about the next book, peat fires and all. Dare I say it – it may be the best one in the series. Stay tuned!
